Friday, September 27, 2013

Keeping up appearances!

Do you feel like someone is watching you when you are a having a bad hair day? Then realize that you are just looking in a mirror. When having a bad hair day, we feel crappy. The fact is we are so much harder on ourselves to have that perfect hair look. Most people don't care what others look like unless they have to compare themselves to you. You know those people that have to keep up appearances because they are the ones are paranoid. Only because they want to be noticed or be approved by others. But we shouldn't feel bad having a bad hair day, it only makes us more human.
     So it's okay to have bad hair ever so often, only because there are days we like to just relax and not worry about a thing.  And there are days we need to look a little better then when we wake up. But it doesn't have to take hours and hours. If fact keeping it simple can be very cute and gorgeous. There are so many ways to look like it took hours and  it only takes minutes.
      There are so many ways to do your  long hair in minutes. For examples if hair is long enough to braid back, braid the hair and make it  loose a little like the picture down below.

Then pin the tail under the band like the picture below,
Take your hand, put it in the middle and hold hair lightly while you pin down the sides with bobby pins
Finally adjust your hair to your liken and now you are ready to go any where.( finish product is down below)

Now you can do a little bit more by weaving in ribbon with a yarn needle like the picture below.
Now for short hair you can put in headbands or fancy bobby pin for a quick style, look below.
So having bad hair day can be fix without the fuss.


For more styles visit  or watch 4 Ever Hairstyles on Youtube. Thanks for reading!

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